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After Brazilian Wax Bumps: Causes, Prevention & Treatment

After Brazilian Wax Bumps

Waxing is an easy method for removing hair from most body parts. The procedure is extremely fast, and the effects can last for weeks. However, after Brazilian wax bumps on the skin are quite common. Many people notice small, red bumps on their skin right after waxing, while others may notice them after a week.

What you should know is that it’s completely normal. Removing hair exposes the hair follicles, making them vulnerable to bacteria that cause inflammation and infection. This article discusses some of the potential causes of waxing bumps, as well as treatment options and prevention advice.

Contact dermatitis, folliculitis and ingrown hair cause red and white bumps after a Brazilian wax.

Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is a rash caused by an allergic reaction or irritation. Fragrant soaps and detergents are the major culprits, but wax and other chemicals are also common causes. The bumps that form as a result of contact dermatitis are typically extremely itchy.

Bumps caused by contact dermatitis will also come with the following symptoms:

  • stinging sensation
  • burning
  • skin peeling
  • swelling


Bumps After Shaving

Folliculitis is characterized by itchy bumps with red rings around them. They may, however, also resemble acne lesions. Folliculitis develops as a result of hair removal damage. It usually occurs when bacteria, which are naturally present on the skin, infect the hair follicles.

Wearing clothing that is too tight and rubs against the hair follicles can aggravate folliculitis and make it worse.

Ingrown Hair

Ingrown hair is when hair grows and reinserts itself into the hair follicle. It usually occurs around a week after waxing. Ingrown hairs can cause itchy, sometimes painful bumps on the skin that resemble pimples. These hairs can also become infected if left untreated.

Infection of ingrown hairs can cause:

  • pus
  • redness
  • cyst

How To Prevent Bumps After Waxing

Preventing After Wax Bumps

You can prevent bumps after waxing if you prepare your skin through proper cleansing and gentle exfoliation. Exfoliating before waxing can help remove dead skin cells.

The following tips come in handy to prevent bumps after waxing:

  • Use a gentle exfoliator, such as a washcloth or mild scrub, in order not to irritate freshly waxed skin.
  • Wear loose clothing. Tight clothing can aggravate already sensitive skin.
  • Refraining from picking at or scratching bumps after waxing can also help reduce the likelihood of further complications.
  • Do not skip any waxing sessions as soon as you begin. To match the growth pattern of your hair, you’ll need to wax every 4 to 6 weeks.

You should avoid chemical exfoliators because they can irritate sensitive skin and make you more susceptible to wax burns.

If you like home waxing, you should check out the best wax warmer.

How To Get Rid Of Late Bumps After Waxing

You can get rid of late bumps after waxing with proper care and treatment. The tips below will help.

  • Apply a cold compress: Use an ice pack or create your own compress by running a clean washcloth under cold water. For up to 20 minutes, apply the compress to the affected area.
Cold Compress
  • Use a warm compress to aid hair removal: You can use a heating pad or create your own compress by running a clean washcloth under warm water. Apply the compress for up to 5 minutes at a time to the affected area to remove dead skin cells and ingrown hairs.
  • Don’t pick or pop bumps: Not only can this harm your skin, but it can also introduce bacteria and increase your risk of infection.
  • Use witch hazel: Witch hazel has astringent and antiseptic properties that can help calm the skin and keep the reaction from worsening. Apply a cotton pad soaked in alcohol-free witch hazel to the affected area up to three times per day.
  • Apply hydrocortisone cream: You can use the hydrocortisone cream to treat redness, swelling, itching and discomfort after hair removal.
  • Use Tea Tree Oil: Coconut or olive oil is heavy and more likely to clog pores, especially in the first day or two after waxing. Therefore, it’s best to save it for lingering or late-forming irritation. You can use tea tree oil gel as an immediate alternative because gels are much lighter and do not clog pores.
  • Moisturize the skin: Use fragrance-free moisturizers like aloe vera gel to avoid irritating the skin.

You can also check out our blog post to find out more about how to heal ripped skin from waxing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it is normal to get bumps after waxing your vagina. Shaving, waxing or plucking pubic hair puts you at risk of ingrown hairs. This can result in the formation of a small, round, sometimes painful or itchy bump. The bump may be filled with pus, and the skin surrounding the bump may darken. Although it may be tempting, do not attempt to remove ingrown hairs on your own to prevent further irritation.

Red bumps last between a few days and a week after waxing. When hair is removed forcefully with waxing, it stresses the surrounding skin’s surface. Because the skin is irritated from the constant hair removal from the roots, the usual redness and bumps persist. You can alleviate post-wax bumps by applying a hot compress and moisturizing the skin.

You get bumps after a Brazilian wax because of inflammation. Following hair removal, many people develop folliculitis, a bumpy, pimple-like rash. Without treatment, the inflammation usually resolves on its own after a few days. Contact dermatitis and ingrown hair are other common causes of bumps after a Brazilian wax, especially among people with sensitive skin.


After Brazilian wax bumps can be quite uncomfortable and painful; fortunately, there are remedies to help. Side effects can be minimized with proper preparation and post-treatment. So rather than popping these bumps and causing further irritation to your skin next time, you can try a compress, moisturizer or any of the other options discussed in this article.